There are currently some fantastic options out there when it comes to choosing a company car, from smaller models such as a VW Golf to the more executive BMW 5 Series.
All of them have features which will prove beneficial to businesses and the staff who will be driving them, but what are the most important aspects of a leased vehicle?
Low emissions
It is very important from a company car tax point of view that the car you choose has low emissions. It is this figure which determines the amount of tax that you will have to pay, and could add up to a large amount over time if you have a big fleet.
This is why diesel cars are popular choices among companies as they tend to be more environmentally-friendly than their petrol cousins. However, some calculations will need to be done as they tend to be more expensive to buy or lease.
Staff who are supplied with a company car will more often than not find themselves on the road. Therefore, having Bluetooth connectivity in their vehicle will allow them to connect their phone to the hands-free system so that they can make calls while travelling up and down the country.
Contacts will be transferred to the main screen in the car and can then be chosen to speak to either via a central console or steering wheel-based controls depending on which car you choose. Bluetooth really can help to make your car your office.
Air conditioning
If you spend large amounts of time driving on the motorway, particularly during the summertime, then you will want your car to be as comfortable as possible. Just like you would expect a modern-day office to have air conditioning, then you would hope that your company car does too. It will really come into its own while you are on the motorway when you will want to have your windows wound up. to check out which models are suitable for you.
Businesses have a duty to look after their staff. Whether this is by carrying out electrical testing on computers and printers, or providing employees with a car which is at the top of its class when it comes to safety. Euro NCAP ratings will tell you how your prospective company car has fared in its testing, and you can also check out features such as traction control, airbags, headrests and seat belts before you commit to leasing.
While speed isn’t everything, you will want a car which can get you from A to B quickly, but also safely. Being able to overtake slow motorists with ease is an important consideration, particularly if you are in a time-pressured role which relies on you getting to meetings on time. Check out the 0-62mph speeds, which will give you a good impression of how nippy your company car is.
Cruise control
Avoiding speeding tickets is an important consideration for those driving company cars. If you rely on your vehicle to get around and do your job, then being pulled over for speeding on too many occasions could put you in serious trouble. Getting a car with cruise control will make your journey more comfortable and efficient, and it should also ensure that you do not accidentally sneak above the speed limit.