Energy, Payroll and Office Equipment: How To Tackle The Hidden Costs Of A Business

Running a business isn’t always plain sailing. Even those that are able to meet high sales targets for their product or service often have to battle with keeping their outgoings to a minimum. The costs of delivering a product are complex and it’s easy for businesses to neglect the smallest of issues, with hugely negative effects for their accounts.Here, we take a look at several aspects of running a business which can quickly become expensive and consider how best to deal with them from a financial management standpoint.

accountancy software

Here, we take a look at several aspects of running a business which can quickly become expensive and consider how best to deal with them.



Whether your business occupies an office or a factory, the costs of running the building can soon build up. Drawing high levels of electricity while keeping the space at a comfortable temperature for employees can result in a cost which can be crippling if not handled well.

Businesses will often do all they can to ensure that usage is kept to a minimum – taking steps to improve the energy efficiency of their workspace, as well as reducing unnecessary energy requirement. For the energy that remains, the government has recently announced a scheme to help alleviate the costs of energy to SMEs. The Ready to Switch for Business scheme is expected to help around 60,000 small and medium sized enterprises to achieve lower rates on their energy.



Setting competitive payment rates is only the first hurdle when it comes to keeping company finances on track. Not only do firms need to pay their staff fair and competitive wages, but they need to ensure that their payroll is sustainable and well managed.

Making use of payroll software such as Sage One Payroll can be an invaluable step to ensuring that a company’s finances are in order. Projections for spending and sales can only become accurate when the most basic of company finances are understood.


Office Equipment

Office equipment is another necessary expenditure which can quickly add up. Companies need to strike a balance which allows business to be run efficiently without enormous cost. Again, investment in key systems such as software can be essential when it comes to efficiency.

Whether you’re talking about office-wide computer systems or simple stationary, it is advisable for companies to invest in good quality items which will promise a long life. The longer a business is able to go without having to replace simple office supplies, the easier they will find it to direct funds to more important areas of their operations.

Energy, Payroll and Office Equipment: How To Tackle The Hidden Costs Of A Business
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