If you wake up every morning with a sense of dread at the thought of going to work, it may be time for a career change. If you are not happy with your work you are probably in the wrong job. Life is too short to spend your time working at a job you hate.
Many people stay in unfulfilling jobs because they fear change or because they have no idea how to go about redirecting their career path. Finding the right job will change your life. It is worth challenging your fears and taking the necessary steps to find a new career.
What are you Passionate About?
Many people go about job hunting by applying for any job they think they have a chance of getting. Changing your career requires more thought. You need to ask yourself some important questions. What do you enjoy doing? What are you passionate about? What are your strengths and talents? What interests you? Find out what inspires you and look for a career that matches.
Another aspect to consider when making a career change is what working conditions you want. Do you want flexibility in your hours? How many hours do you want to work? How far do you want to commute? Look for a career that fits your bill.
Expand on What You Know
For some people a career change doesn’t mean entering a whole new field, but rather capitalising on their strengths and experience. By doing a management course for example, you can make a successful career change within your current industry. Alternatively, by undertaking vocational training in Training and Assessment you can use your experience to become a trainer and teach others what you know.
Get Trained
If you are interested in taking a new direction you will need to gain the necessary qualifications. Don’t let this put you off. Training programs are very flexible and are usually self-paced. You can usually study from home. If you desire a new career you should go for it. Find out what training you need and get it.
Do the Research
Do your research. Find companies that offer work in the areas you are interested in. Talk to people who work for them and ask lots of questions. Don’t just assume you know what a job entails. Find out. Many people have gone into a career with certain assumptions about what it would be like, only to be disappointed at the reality.
Sell Yourself
In today’s competitive job market you will need to sell yourself. Create an impressive cover letter and resume. Ask for professional help with this if you need it. Think outside the square. Use infographics and even multimedia.
Networking, both on and off line, is important in making a successful career change. Read blogs in your area of interest and make comments, connect via LinkedIn, like Facebook pages. Make connections online to show your interest and then follow up with a meeting if you can. Attend events like seminars and workshops. Many job opportunities are discovered via networking.